Good for you, SANDY. Another example of my "source" writing the wrong name under a photo. You're helping some of these old-timers get name credit corrected as they deserve. If you latter-day, "new-age" clowns will notice, these pros had an understanding of makeups that fit their faces, while blessed with a professional ambience that underscored what is called "the real thing". This in contrast to the strained, picture-perfect makeups that look like plastic appliques stuck on with spirit gum. And notice something else--not one common, too-anticipated, Shrine-clown day-glo wig in sight.
Good makeup.
Ed Raymond. The ones not named may help from Jackie Le Claire, and others may need his corrections.
This is Edwin Green
Good for you, SANDY. Another example of my "source" writing the wrong name under a photo. You're helping some of these old-timers get name credit corrected as they deserve. If you latter-day, "new-age" clowns will notice, these pros had an understanding of makeups that fit their faces, while blessed with a professional ambience that underscored what is called "the real thing". This in contrast to the strained, picture-perfect makeups that look like plastic appliques stuck on with spirit gum. And notice something else--not one common, too-anticipated, Shrine-clown day-glo wig in sight.
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