Friday, May 01, 2015

Chappie #1

Charles Philip Fox was one of the most noted circus Historians of his day.
On this occasion in 1955 we pulled into his estate in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, unloaded the elephants in his back yard and spent the day.


Paul Gutheil said...

I first met Chappie at an Emmett Kelly banquet in Hagerstown. Within minutes I felt like I had known him for a long time.
When he found out I was a cigar smoker he gave me one of his, A Macanudo, which I still have in a glass tube in my dresser drawer. I used to call him a couple of times a year and always mentioned the cigar and he always commented , "Haven't you smoked that thing yet?" I told him it was too special to smoke. I wish I could have known him as well as so many of you.