Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Big Cage! #15


Roger Smith said...

Guy Gossing always gave his audience something to remember. His closing years had him working a tiger act so hot it struck fear in other trainers.

Dennis said...

Who was it that said they would not go in with his cats with a bazooka ?

Ole Whitey said...

On Nov 3, 2006 "24-Hour Man" (wasn't that Bill Hall?) said: "When Bill Golden was leaving Cuneo, I suggested that Guy's act was for sale, his reply, "I wouldn't go in that cage with a bazooka"!!!!"

Unknown said...
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Roger Smith said...

24-Hour Man was Bill Strong.

Chic Silber said...

Yup Bill Strong had a very nice

web site "Yesterday's Towns" &

used the moniker 24 Hour Man

Ole Whitey said...

Right- Bill Strong.

Chic Silber said...

The "Lee Woo" comment above

appears to be spam Buckles