Wrestler Wild Bill Zim (dad) was Tarzan of the Elephants for Ringling in 1933/1934. (Sarasota winter quarters) Other jobs: posing at Ringling Art School, and taking on all comers with Cyclone Thompson. No photos of the elephant job, just the fighting, of them standing on the stage in front of the tent.
The Edgar Rice Burroughs estate took Zerbini to court, arguing they had done so before with many performers trying to cash in on the Tarzan creation. The judge decided as corn-ball as it was, a person can call himself whatever he likes, and Tarzan became part of Jean's legal name.
Jon(Tarzan)Zerbini---I believe.
Yes Jim but "Jon" is Jean Charles
Wrestler Wild Bill Zim (dad) was Tarzan of the Elephants for Ringling in 1933/1934. (Sarasota winter quarters) Other jobs: posing at Ringling Art School, and taking on all comers with Cyclone Thompson. No photos of the elephant job, just the fighting, of them standing on the stage in front of the tent.
The Edgar Rice Burroughs estate took Zerbini to court, arguing they had done so before with many performers trying to cash in on the Tarzan creation. The judge decided as corn-ball as it was, a person can call himself whatever he likes, and Tarzan became part of Jean's legal name.
Jean Charles' father Charlie had
learned about adding the name in
a court filing from his friend
Emelian Buglione who had added
Buffalo Bill Cody to his name in
a French court (Emelian told me
during a visit to Cirque D'Hiver
where I was invited to dinner)
However this isn't likely Zerbini
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