Monday, April 27, 2015

From Paul Gutheil


Roger Smith said...

This stunning shot has been around. I hope this great bull is still out there, free and living without fear. A sight like this was the last seen by the Great White Hunter, Ian Gibson, who led his safari client for 5 hours in search of an elephant to kill. As we know, the idea is to stalk an unsuspecting animal, stand at safe distance, take aim with a high-powered rifle, and trust to brag about your kill back at the campfire that night. This time, Gibson found the wrong elephant. The big male, thought to have been in musth, charged the hunter, took him down, and subjected him to a horrific death by trampling. If human life is sacred, that concept is compromised when a man wants to kill for sport--killing to boast of killing. Gibson compromised his humanity with a chosen career of stalking and killing from a distance with a specialized weapon--the elephant gun. This time, the elephant charged into the threat and killed his intended killer. If I'm sorry for Gibson, it is for his choice of career, not for how he died. I side with the elephant, and hope he is not being hunted down for his act of saving his own life.

Larry Louree said...

And now we know the rest of the story. I agree with you Roger, I hope the bull still survives. I just don't understand the hunting for trophy folks, especially the species that are in danger already.

Paul Gutheil said...

As the saying goes, "It's time to arm bears!"