Tuesday, March 03, 2015

From Chic Silber

 This was yesterday's chosen wardrobe, he left us in the style he was accustomed.


Chic Silber said...

Nobody was ever more comfortable

on a horse or in the ring as John

He really had done it all (RIP)

Chic Silber said...

When John was handed the nearly

unmanageable "Circus Williams"

that became the "Red Show" with

many of the folks unwilling to

speak English although they could

He handled it all with the same

calming style & grace he always

portrayed throughout his career

Although I had met the Herriotts

earlier it was during his time

as "Performance Director" I was

able to get to know him better

& gain the greatest admiration

& respect for him & his talents

Buckles said...

Johnny was once at a heated meeting that concluded with Irvin Feld stating..."and another thing, that buddy of yours down at Circus World is a pain in the ass too!"

Chic Silber said...

I rather have been disparaged by

Irvin than liked by his son as

at least there was real concern

& true feelings shown

Cindy Potter said...

The wardrobe...?
...as it should be!
Cindy Potter

Chic Silber said...

They had many jackets to choose

from Cindy but this was perfect

Chic Silber said...

Our local rag "Herald Tribune"

finally ran a very nice article

today about John with a photo

from the "Ring Of Fame" entry