Sunday, September 07, 2014

Sacred Scrolls!

Finishing her career with that Grand Old Show, originating in the 1890's, "Birnam, Dailey & Howe".



A FINE set of photos, with FINE Captions. THANKS BUCKLES!

Chic Silber said...

That last show title reminds me

of that famous Washington law firm

Dewey Cheatum & Howe

Dick Flint said...

Those Howes brothers were real grifters! I don't think either of these law firms ever represented Windy Van Hooten, he of glass center pole fame and a real Sunday school outfit.

Roger Smith said...

Founded by the Larceny Bros., Grande and Petty, later well-known co-counsel for (with due credit to Eddie Dullem) Wrang-'em Bros., Bring-'em and Bang-'em.