Friday, September 05, 2014

From Chic Silber #1

 When I !st saw this photo I thought it was kinda like Lou Jacobs Knucklehead in costume.
It's actually Yao Ming the retired Chinese basketball player who has taken up a crusade to prevent African elephant poaching

That's some cute punk in a blanket


Chic Silber said...

If there were a way to keep this

tyke from getting any bigger you

couldn't imagine the value

Reminds me of the joke of how to

get 4 elephants in a Volkswagon

Tony Greiner said...

Okay, I'll bite. How do you put 4 elephants in a Volkswagen?

Chic Silber said...

Are you kidding Tony just look

at the size of this lilliputian

I'd put those 4 in the back & I'd

have 2 next to me & 1 on my lap