Saturday, September 27, 2014

1000 Oaks #3


John Shepherd said...

Buckles, Do you have a date on this photo?

Buckles said...

No idea when it as taken but Miss Stark autographed it for my father in 1959.

Chic Silber said...

Roger do you know how many years

Mabel worked at the park & when

Roger Smith said...

JOHN: The date credited to this post card is 1958. Mabel poses with Prince, among her largest male tigers, who was among those I helped her care for in my era.

Roger Smith said...

Yes, I do. In 1938, she closed with her biggest act, a mixed group of 22 lions and tigers, for Al. G. Barnes & Sells-Floto. She announced her retirement, and Louis Goebel enticed her to make her home in Thousand Oaks. Retirement was quickly forgotten when she got a look at his line-up of green tigers. She worked there exactly 29 years. I took care of her tigers with her the last day of her career, Friday, November 10, 1967, when Roy Kabat and the Scarboroughs cruelly forced her departure.