The Article: Click ONCE again, for enhancement of the text.
The notation that the act with Ace and Blaszak did not work at the Sports Arena in Los Angeles is inaccurate to a point. I visited there, and both Ada and Klaus appeared, she with her group, he with Ace. Whispers in the dressing rooms had the Blaszaks in fits of artistic and political pique with the Polish Director, who had threatened them with a forced return to Poland and likely imprisonment. Klaus and Ace were dropped from the program, and Klaus made frantic calls to Jungleland. We all heard he was coming with a lion in a car. As colorful as was our Compound history, nothing like this was beyond possibility, and we met them on the parking lot. We got them around back, and Klaus walked Ace into the cageline. Then, Klaus vanished. Days went by, and we figured the Polish agents had deep-sixed him in the Pacific. Back down at the Sports Arena, I spotted Klaus excitedly cornering a very reluctant Ada, fearfully glancing over his shoulders. Then they disappeared into the building. With Ace safe at Jungleland, Ada finally abandoned her state-owned lion act, defected, and turned up with Klaus in Thousand Oaks. Everyone at the Compound took strides to accommodate them, make them welcome, and reassure them that we were proud to secure them away from their former oppressive life under the Polish Director and his eager cooperatives on the Ringling staff. Within days, we regretted it. Ada said little, but Klaus, Klaudiusz, Klaudnor--whatever his name, once he knew he was relatively safe, became aggressively offensive. He showed pointed contempt for America, and everything American. All we shared he disdained as American inadequacy, useless, and substandard. He tried day after day to heel out of shows, and insisted that he never attend his cage work. Some American should clean the cages. Our disgust for him grew until real heat began arising payroll wide. He had instructed Bruno, then 3 years old, when we said "Good morning" to him, to reply with, "F--- your mouth." The child hardly understood English, but his father, who lied about his own fluency, taught him this. Ada had been counseled to keep her distance from Mabel Stark. At once, Mabel saw Ada as her dreaded "handwriting on the wall", a recognition that proved cruelly true. Ada was instructed to leave Mabel alone, as in his own good time, Roy Kabat would get rid of her. He let Mable's anxiety continue until the day he called her in to announce her dismissal, enlisting Parley Baer to soften the blow. When Mabel and I took care of her tigers on the last day of her career, Friday, November 10, 1967, Klaus and Ada were observed in celebration. When Mabel died by suicide, the following April 20th, the Blaszaks, made a show of cold indifference. Since this era, Ada has addressed circus fan audiences with claims of having "worked with" Mabel Stark. This is entirely false. There was no contact. Ada had no association with Mabel Stark whatsoever. In point of fact, as I bear witness, the two women never spoke. In our duplexes in Old Town, I lived at 2883-A Crescent Way. The Blaszaks lived at 2883-B. During one show, I had just seated the lions. Klaus came down to the Stage with a wheelbarrow full of meat, and began forking it in to the cats adjacent to the Arena. It took all I knew of lions to hold them seated. I ran them out and charged into five Jungleland guys who held me back from Klaus until someone got him off the lot. When they finally accompanied me home, two of them went around to find the Blaszak's door left standing open. From that night on, no one was home at 2883-B. If others have memories of their own associations with the Blaszaks, some of us are still around who knew them from the beginning. From Roger Smith |
Monday, August 25, 2014
From Roger Smith #2
Posted by
8/25/2014 04:32:00 AM
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I think it was 1965, our first year with the Polack Show, that I pulled the bull truck in behind the Sports Arena one morning and spent an hour or so cutting up jackpots with Hugo and Axel.
Hugo even brought out "Targa" and had me unload "Anna May" for comparison in sizes.
Where was a camera when I needed one?
Amidst this fol de rol, Bob Dover suddenly appeared and announced, "No opening display!.....the Tiger Lady is gone!
It was 65 as the year several new
Iron Curtain acts came over & the
opening in the NY Garden really
was exciting even though it was a
low point in the train length
As I mentioned yesterday it made
for great difficulty in Trolle's
negotiations fo future contracts
& families were forced to leave
key members behind in prevention
Among the few things I remember
of the 65 show were the 3 elegant
ladies on white horses including
Ingeborg Rhodin (& maybe Marion
Seferth) & the lighted diamonds
in the ring curbs (very classy)
Of course Charly Baumann in his
amazing European slick style
(As well as Ada & Klaus)
Extensive efforts were made to keep the oppression of the Iron Curtain acts from the public. The contracts called for prices commensurate with similar acts industry-wide, but the individual performers were held to $7 per day. On this, they were to feed and maintain themselves at levels of bare subsistence. The balance, of course, was paid to the specific communist-ruled nations. There was a Polish Director, a Romanian Director, a Bulgarian Director, and so on, each charged with overseeing the captive performers and with foiling defections. The most effective threats, continuously re-stated, were against relatives back home. The acts had come to America for its biggest circus, with no relief from the grinding misery of communist rule.
It was due to these rediculously
small stipends that gave several
department heads a willing & able
work force but that may also be
where the derogatory title term
of "Jabroni" was established
One of the last of the tightly
communist controlled acts from
East Germany was Ursula Botcher
& her Polar Bears
I had an opportunity to assemble
& direct a new circus some years
back in Lima Peru which had some
incredible acts from North Korea
The entire entourage were housed
in the Embassy compound & tightly
controlled in their transport to
& from the arena & had separate
dressing facilities with many of
their own severe security folks
They were all very accomplished
& a great pleasure to work with
I'm sure they were paid bupkis
Although that early $50 weekly
was increased slightly over the
years it was paid equally to the
workingmen & featured performers
in true communist fashion
For a wake-up call you cannot find elsewhere, go to YouTube's videos on the North Korean labor camps. The horrors of torture, starvation, and hopelessness continue around the clock, and even the relief of death is purposefully denied. That the North Korean performers are this strictly guarded will barely scratch the surface of what you will see of their prison conditions.
Bob Dover was a tragic man, known in San Antonio as Billie Rosenthal.
Bob Dover's background has been
mentioned many times here Roger
including a note from a nephew
Although Koreans are starving
they have an incredible circus
training & exhibition facility
in Pyong Yang & although I was
given a standing invitation to
visit by their senior director
there is no way in hell I'd go
Precisely, CHIC. You have no way of knowing what you'd face once inside their borders. Only someone very "special", like Dennis Rodman, has safe passage with North Korea.
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