Sunday, August 10, 2014

Command Performance #2

North appears during a segment hosted by sportscaster Bill Stern, who was there to speculate on the prospects of various major league baseball teams during the coming season. (Stern, who undoubtedly spent time in Sarasota covering the spring training camps of the various major league teams that wintered there, apparently knew North quite well, since there is an article by him in Ringling’s 1942 souvenir program. The Circus would have been playing MSG at the time of this broadcast and more than likely Stern arranged for North to appear with him during his segment.) Here is a transcript of what was said:
Stern: But you know, baseball means one thing – it always means spring. And spring means kids playing hooky. And hooky means that the circus has come to town.
(Calliope music: “Entry of the Gladiators”)
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet, if you will, the man who owns the biggest circus in the world. His name is Mister North . . . John Ringling North, and he only owns the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus. Good evening, John. How are you?
JRN: Fine, Bill. How are you?
Stern: Just step up to our microphone. (Applause) Now, Johnny, you tell me this. Who originates all those new ideas you get for your circus each year?
JRN: My staff and I, Uncle Bill. And we have a lot of men all over the country and all over the world constantly thinking up new ideas and sending them to us.