Friday, February 21, 2014

Frank Orman #3

Ladies were selected to be ticket takers lessening the chance of "high-seating".


Linda Southern said...

Emma Orman was my grandmother. She was married to Frank Orman,my grandfather and was the stepmother to my mom Joyce Orman. My mother adored her and so did I. I thought she was quite beautiful and kind. She died of a brain tumor and it tore our family up. She really knew exactly how to handle my grandfather.Our family has some beautiful pictures of her and also my grandfather. I have a granddaughter named after her.She was very much loved!!!

Linda Southern said...

I also know my grandfather married a woman named Bessie..maybe Elizabeth, whom was the biological mother of my mom Joyce Orman McKinney and my uncle Frank L.Orman. They divorced and Bessie gave the children to my grandfather Frank. I met Bessie once when I was a teenager.My mother tried hard to have some kind of relationship with her but could never quite come to terms with her giving her and her brother up. It is my understanding that she was in the show maybe trapeze. Any info on her would be appreciated. My grandfather seemed to be a real ladies man and our family has not been able to accurately find out how many wives he had!!!LOL The saying in our family if there's a divorce.."You must be like Grampa Orman!!!Emma had 2 children with Frank a boy Johnny and a girl Michelle.

John Herriott said...

Your Gfather liked my father from previous seasons with Cole Bros. and the winter of 49-50 he became mgr and shortly after called my dad to come back as head horse trainer and my dad said about me and that they would need a presenter for one of the big three rings of liberty horses, so I got a job as well.That winter the show wintered in Ojus, Fl. close to Ft. Lauderdale that was Franks home. We arrived and I met Mr. Orman. A few days later he came to me and asked me to take his cadillac the next day and go to the railroad depot in lauderdale and pick up a person arriving at such and such time at the passenger area. He said his name was something like "Barbette". I was surprised that he chose me as there were other people that did those kind of chores. So I did and off the train comes this strange looking guy. Surely a Gay character in looks and mannerisms. I introduced my self and he had lots of fancy luggage and obviously noted me a good looking young guy bwith a Cadillac as well, So I brought him to wntrqtrs and it was just a jest to welcome Barbette back on the show. Barbette was a famous aerial director producing great numbers of coordinated routines with girls that he would train. Especially doing "Iron Jaw" He had gained great fame in Europe performin a great single trapeze in "drag" as a beautiful girl and in his final b0ow would pull off his wig. When emprisaio Billy Rose produced the great bdwy. show "Jumbo" Barbette was a sensation doing his act/. As he got older he became a great choreographer-aerial director. He prov4ed to be a fine man with many idiocycrases to be sure. I, my dad and later my wife would work a number of bengagements where he was also involved.

Mr. Orman was a great friend and associate with the great Clyde Beatty And they were together on eatty-Cole Bros. During one season I was associated with the Circus world musum in Baraboo, Wisc. and The B-C was showing in Madison, Wisc. I went to visit and was in the marquee talking with Mr. Orman just about time for the doors opening. Frank always was at the marquee from old time days. Standing out in front were a big contingent of Circues fans of america waiting to enter.Just at that time up walks Clyde Beatty. I knew him and we shook hands. Beatty said, "wow I see we have a big bunch of circus fans out there" Frank laughed and nugged Beatty and said, Ya, they don't want to seeme or Johnny. They just want to see the great "Clyyyed Beeeaty".

Back on Cole I was visiting Joyce as the family were traveling with the show that summer. It was a warm night and was common for all people to sit out on the tracks as the coaches were stifling until the train got going. So Emma was sitting in a flannel robe and pajamas axs wete others as well. She said, You know when I was a showgirl-menage rider on Hagenbeck-Wallace and Frank started dating me. He asked nme to marry him and that he would clothe me in silks and satins and here I sit. She was a fine lady and from a Polish family from Chicago.

I enjoyed some remembered times around Mr. Orman and famkily and he was kind of a hero to me. Sorry to hear of Joyce passing. She was alot of fun. thanks, john herriott