Friday, February 21, 2014

1945 Route Book #9


Dick Flint said...

I've never been sure if this was Adele Nelson's son. The one time I visited her in Chatham, NY, I briefly met a son named Paul. Can anyone help?
Dick Flint

John Herriott said...

Paul was a nephew. He and his sisters were the great Nelson Family risley act plus their other acro talents, but Adele was in the act as well. She had a son[father not note]. His name was Robert [bobby] He would have a performing pig act. Paul would go on to become a horse trainer of note. Bobby kept his pigs in anold RR baggage car on her property that had hauled their elephants in the hey day of her husband Louie Reed and known as Adele Nelson Elkephants.johnny

John Herriott said...

Dick, you are about one half right. Bobby had a pretty good funny pig act. Country style. He was on Polack in its Hey Day, but he died fairly early in life and Paul did take the pig act for a short time and would have been there practicing the pigs in that baggage car.johnny

Larry Louree said...

What is the difference between a "blooded" horse and any other horse? I'd never heard the term before.

John Herriott said...

Probably means "purebred" or "registered". Zack terrel was very proud of his "blooded horses" At least 6 or 7 acts were with horses of some sort.