Thursday, December 26, 2013

To Paul Gutheil #3


Chic Silber said...

Were none of your tribe involved

in this production

Paul Gutheil said...

Thanks Buckles, a lot of familiar faces in there.
Who is that in the gray suit and red hat on far right? I've got quite a few programs from that year, but not handy.

Chic, Down in front you can see the Binder kids, Max, holding the dog, and to the left his sister Catherine Rose.

Paul Gutheil said...

Thanks Buckles, a lot of familiar faces in there.
Who is that in the gray suit and red hat on far right? I've got quite a few programs from that year, but not handy.

Chic, Down in front you can see the Binder kids, Max, holding the dog, and to the left his sister Catherine Rose.

Chic Silber said...

Thanks Paul & is that Katja up

behind Paul & what's with that

coffee promotion

Chic Silber said...

I believe it was Katja's parents

Max & Katherine that were the

last generation to operate Circus

Schumann which was originally a

German show that moved to Denmark

Chic Silber said...

At least that was according to

Henry Schroer

Don said...


Chock Full of Nuts was a sponsor of that year's show and got quite a bit of play in the script and the props.


The gent in the gray suit is gentleman juggler Kris Kremo.

Happy New Year,

Don Covington

Paul Gutheil said...

Thanks Don and shame on me, I got my first good shots of Mr Kremo that year.

Happy/Healthy New Year

Paul Gutheil said...

Thanks Don and shame on me, I got my first good shots of Mr Kremo that year.

Happy/Healthy New Year

Chic Silber said...

"Chock Full o’Nuts is that

heavenly coffee (repeat h c h c)

Better coffee a millionaire’s

money can’t buy" as sung by Page

Morton Black who died recently

Paul Gutheil said...

Hey Chic, Didn't the very original jingle go, "...better coffee Rockefeller's money can't buy."? ...until the Rockefellers took them to court.

Dick Flint said...

Schumann's last year was 1969 and I was lucky to see it that year in their Copenhagen building with my friend Ole Simonsen (he runs the great longstanding Danish circus news website). Brothers Max, Albert, sister Pauline, and another brother whose name escapes me right now, were the owners.
Dick Flint

Chic Silber said...

Yes Paul I do remember that but I

didn't know it went to litigation

Chic Silber said...

According to Henry Shroer there

was a short revival as a tented

tour in Denmark in the late 70s

into the early 80s Dick

Tony Greiner said...

I saw Schumann paper in Germany in 1978, but didn't get to see the show.