Wednesday, December 04, 2013

1955 RBBB Elephants #5

Shortly after they were returned to the menagerie a guy comes in, unchains a number of them and heads for the big top to practice.
I asked smokey who he was and he answered, "I don't know, Bob Dover brought him around saying they hired to train some to play musical instruments." I later learned it was Baptiste Schreiber.
Smokey didn't make the season, blew in California.
Hugo fared better, after closing he went up to the Catskill Game Farm, bought a young elephant he named "Targa" and went on to bigger and better things with Leonard Bros. Circus.


Buckles said...

I guess I've been on quite a rant, couldn't sleep for some reason.
Anyway nobody reads this crap besides Whitey and Chic.
At least I'll be able to get some sleep.


WHOA! Their are some others that read this everyday, and it is the FIRST THING we look at , on the computer each day. So, we shall not refer to it as crap and we will be ever grateful to you Buckles, our BLOGMASTER, for doing an excellent job. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and THANK YOU!

Buckles said...

After finishing the Blog I curled up on my couch and just now woke up to find my two youngest grandkids sitting across the room staring at me.
They had been sent over earlier with instructions for me to drive them to school but finding me asleep dummied up.
They are now in their grandmother's bedroom facing the wrath of Electra.
This has not been a good morning.

Chic Silber said...

Although I suspect that there are

many of your daily gawkers whose

memory might not allow for long

term retention I would bet there

are a tremendous number of folks

that read every word but Dave &

I (along with several others) are

the ones that make the most noise

(Squeaky wheels so to speak)

Chic Silber said...

Somehow I don't imagine Elektra

could ever be that tough on them

She saves that fury for you

(only kidding Barbara)

Harry Kingston said...

I second what Jim said and this is how I start my morning every day reading circus history and we really appreciate what you put on your blog.
A million thanks
Harry in Texas

Paul Gutheil said...

I beg your pardon sir!!
You do an injustice to yourself and more friends than you could count.

As far as "crap" goes that's the last thing you would find on the blog, other than occasionally in a photo. In the future may I ask you to use the refined French word, "crepe", if you must use such a word.

Blog on! You have a devoted following that extends, with all due respect, way beyond fine gentlemen like Whitey and Chic.
As Jim said, first thing I do every day when I get on the computer is to check THEE BLOG out. Yes, most of us out here have lives and the Blog is a part of it.
I rest my verbose case.


Ole Whitey said...

Ahem! If we can get back to the subject for as minute... I believe the three in the musical act were Bambi, Blondie and Lizzy. But didn't Baptiste Schreiber come over twice, the first time in 1950 bringing Lelabardi and Manula who did the teeterboard number.

Wade G. Burck said...

Incredible history lesson. Made school fun today. Thank you.

Wade Burck

GaryHill said...

It is just like the old days of hitting the picket line first thing in the morning to hear you regale us with stories!!:)