Friday, October 26, 2012

From Jim Cole #12

From Buckles:
"Dolly" and "Blanche" leased from Hunt Bros.
Do they have a Ruskin in New England?
The reason I ask, the mattress looks familiar."


Jimmy Cole said...

Von Bros Felephants, Blanche & Dolly do the "Mattress pitch" for a local furniture store. I believe that is Anita Connely directing the commercial.


I talked to Anita last week. She told me a guy sideswiped her house trailer, damaging it to the extent the water heater got put out of commision. It took Albert about a week to get it replaced.
For those that may not know, the Vonderheides are with Cole Bros. Circus. Albert is purchasing agent and Anita works in the show office.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting a picture of my mom Anita.