Friday, October 12, 2012

1946 Clyde Beatty Circus #2

Lots of familiar names here Ira Watts, Grace Killian, Edna Antes, Bill Moore, Jack Joyce, George Werner, Waldo Tupper, Elvin Welsh (The Sheriff), Tuffy, Dutch Givler, etc.


Jim Zajicek said...

Is that "Sno-Cone Jack" listed as Jack Gobble (Poler) of Gopher Fame???

Harry Kingston said...

Edna Antes was a true friend of us fans.
A very gracious person and really made you feel at home on Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus.
Gone but not forgotten.
Harry in Texas

Roger Smith said...

Miss Edna was the epitome of elegance on the roughest lots. Her hair was always done up to perfection, her dress immaculate, pressed, and fashionable, her shoes denying a speck of dust. She looked for all the world as if she truly belonged in a small-town New England high school teaching English. Here, she's listed on the Tax Box. No one could have been better placed to have dealt with the livid heat of those who were given "free" tickets and then had to face paying a tax. Her gentle reassurance must have soothed many a beef as she took their money and passed them through to the seats. When she visited us on the Beatty show, in Sarasota, in '81, she was escorted to my station around the cage, and remembered me at once. We had a fond, last visit.