Friday, October 12, 2012

1946 Beatty Show Elephants #4


Harry Kingston said...

Looks like Washington and Hill street lot in L A.
Seeing that wagon with those carnival wheels this must be from Beckman and Gertty carnival.
In a phone conversation with Jack Painter recenty he made the comment that he and Hank Frazer asked Clyde Beatty about the carnival stuff many years ago.
Mr. Beatty said we never had any of that stuff and you would think that Clyde would know that.
As a fan the 1946 season photos I have seen with that carnival stuff cost them lots of problems. Some wagons had carnival and pneumatic wheels. Carnival wheels that did not match front and back.
But with Concello they made big money and that is whats counts.
Harry in Texas

cirbly said...

The elephant here is pushing the wagon with their trunk flat. Did this effect the elephant's ability to use their trunk in later years?

Buckles said...

I doubt it.
We have all seen movies of elephants in the jungle continually pushing trees over.
A friend of mine had a theory it comes from the loss of minerals normally received from eating dirt and vegetation.
It was very rare with elephants on circuses that moved every day and were on dirt constantly.

cirbly said...

Thank you, Carl