Thursday, May 24, 2012

From Jerry Digney #4

My friend Richard booked these guys on RBBB--and they haven't been heard from of late.


Buckles said...

At least, they weren't wardrobe poor.

Wade G. Burck said...

Nice guy's, but they sure crapped out fast, didn't they. The adage, "popular as a fart in church" comes to mind. Hell no, they weren't wardrobe poor. I got their boot's when they left the show. Worked right in the the demise of Irvin Ringling "rehash" policy.

Wade Burck

Eric said...

(Resubmitted) In 1992 when I heard that the Feld Bros. Circus would be featuring a rock group, I could “see the hand writing on the wall” and subsequently turned down the call to play in the band that year when the show appeared in San Diego. (This was something I never thought I would ever do!) Two years later, the show was using its own musicians who traveled with the company. During the first two years of this arrangement, the Musicians Union required that the show hire 5 local musicians as “standbys” (i.e. we were paid to be there even though we didn’t actual play.) By then, the music the Felds were using was not at all to my tastes and, once the show started, I usually spent my time standing by the back door taking pictures and chatting with Buckles, Shannon and some of the other performers. That was the last Feld-produced show I saw and haven’t been back since. Buckles’ dad used to say that he could sit through just about anything if the music was good. I could probably tolerate the Felds’ smoke, mirrors, rubber dragons, etc. if I liked the music that was being played, but I don’t. End of story.

Chic Silber said...

Eric the term used on Broadway for

musicians that are paid not to play

due to each house's contract for

minimum number required is "walker"

Many crazy stories about "walkers"