Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ringling Wedding (From Bob Swaney)

DSC02766 by bucklesw1
DSC02766, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.
On Tuesday evening, May 22nd, after reciting their wedding vows before Fr. Jerry Hogan, Dion Gaines (tour business manager) and Zoltan Moric (backstage supervisor) return back down the aisle of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Hershey, PA. Following Dion and Zoli are Maid of Honor Jessie Morgan and Best Man Sandor Eke. Fr. Jerry is at the altar in the background. Prior to the service, as part of an uplifting musical prelude, Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson sang The Prayer. A rousing reception followed at the train.