Thursday, May 24, 2012

From Jerry Digney #2

AAC1725 by bucklesw1
AAC1725, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

interesting shot...JAN 1984, ST. PETE, RBBB Animal Walk


Chic Silber said...

I'll bet that's Henry in the lower

left corner without his shirt

Buckles said...

No, this is the Blue Show herd.

Wade G. Burck said...

Ricardo mounted, leading Daniel Suskow's hackney ponies,chap named Johnny leading Daniel's appaloosas behind. Very top with the bull hook, BIg Joe, Tony Capps behind him.

Wade Burck

GaryHill said...

Where did Ricardo end up, I remember the last time I saw Little Tommy, he didnt look so good?

Darryl said...

Targa with Alana on the left and Iki with stars on right.

John Herriott said...

I believe Ricardo ended up working full time at Venice Arena. I tried talking to him numerous times and never could understand a word he was saying. Good guy and hard worker.