Thursday, May 24, 2012

From Jerry Digney #1

great shot of our mutual friend Jimmy Silverlake (aka Timberlake) and KING TUSK, 1993:


Chic Silber said...

I always thought that ornamental

hardware was grotesque & obvious

Wade G. Burck said...

Not at all. The same theme is carried out in every ceremony with temple elephants. A Maharajah with dangling pearl earrings, a dot between his eyes, wearing a crown encrusted with precious and semi precious stones, in an embroidered with silver and gold thread jacket is not "grotesque & obvious". He is the King, looking the part. The peons, peasant's, and serf's want it and expect it.

There's no business like......

Wade Burck

John Herriott said...

Yes those dressed up males in India are spectacular and we who remember Tommy in the old days and now with GSOE. Back then he was pretty awesome for sure, but with the King Tusk wardrobe he just fabulous. I am glad that good old Tommy finally had his days bof supreme glory. Tony Diano timed it just right.

Wade G. Burck said...

Believe it or not, once Leonard Franklin Slye became Roy Rogers, The King of The Cowboy's, even his best friends didn't call him Lennie. His mother did but that was it. There was to much respect for Roy Rogers to slough it with Leonard. Those were the old days, and Roy was a world away from it.

Wade Burck

Chic Silber said...

2 or 3 elephants including Sid from

the Beatty herd portrayed Jumbo in

the Jimmy Durante film & resumed

their real names upon their return

Jumbo was the "character" name just

like "King Tusk" was the character

name of the elephant portrayed by

TOMMY the elephant Wade