Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cole Bros. Elephant Men #3

MAIL0359 by bucklesw1
MAIL0359, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

Alonzo Dever in charge of the herd 1940-41, seen here in 1938 with Robbins Bros. using a volunteer for the head carry with "Ding".
What those guys did for their art form, in later years I remember Lonzo,s cauliflower ears.


Chic Silber said...

Kenny Dodd told me that little

Bobby Cline did a head carry all

around the track (I missed it)

Ole Whitey said...

Chic: You finally sprung for a new pic? Quite impressive, necktie and all.

I never saw Little Bobby do this but if Steve told him to do it he would. Or was this after Rex had the herd? Or maybe even in Logan's day?

Buckles said...

Bobby wore a sequined smock and aviators cap that almost concealed him completely.
He was carried down the front track where Lucio awaited to shake his hand and congratulate him.
He then received the same treatment from several more brothers strategically located to hustle him out the back door.

Chic Silber said...

Whitey you should know better that

I'm too cheap to cough up that kind

of scratch but my nephew had a pro

taking wedding pix & the tie was

borrowed from the hotel desk as I

forgot to pack mine