I just got this movie from oldies.com for around $5. It was made in 1938, and as circus movies go, this one is pretty good! Marjorie Main (Ma & Pa Kettle) plays the circus owner. Lots of good circus clips of interest to historians.
From Buckles: I have many plesant memories of the brief tour I made in 1957 on Hagen Bros. Circus with the Paul Kelly elephants. The highlight was sharing a table in the cook house with Joe Applegate and Tex Maynard who was the show's puchasing agent. Tex described trouping with Jack LaRue who was featured and did a few stunts in the after show. Tex added words to an old circus tune which they played for LaRue's entrance on horseback:
"Hello to you! Oh my friends and neighbors how do you do? From the open spaces! We bring to you! With the Sheriff's graces, Lush LaRue to you!...Lush La Rue to you!
To Buckles. Jack LaRue was a famous movie actor ala 30s 40s usually playing a tough guy gangster. He nhad an akcoholic brother who went by the name of Lash LaRue that did western, naturally whip popping. That who Tex was referring to.
I believe Jack Larue was a man of means. Seems like he owned the Macambo nightspot in Hollywood or was involved with Frank Sennes in Moulin Rouge. Something like that.tanglefoot
Curious poster. All I ever remember hearing/seeing was ANNA
Col H...Lash Larue an alcoholic, Say it ain't so. Buy you a shot of Red Eye ?
All Best, Paul Gutheil
Did you take any pictures when you were on Hagen Bros. If you did, would you show them ?
Jerry Cash
Jack and Lash (whose real name was Alfred LaRue) weren't related.
Funny though, as famous as Lash's name was, nobody noticed when USA Today ran a picture of Jack when Lash died in 1996.
Lash lived a heck of a life, and had cleaned up a number of years before he died.
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