Sunday, February 12, 2012

From Dave Price

BucklesMeCl by bucklesw1
BucklesMeCl, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

For Harry Kingston:

Here I am as a young collector in about 1955.

Clyde's picture is from 1944.

So on the average this is from 1949 and a half.


Harry Kingston said...

Thanks Dave and a very impressive picture.
Two greats now and then.
Another great way to start off a day.
I am still waiting for some more billing stories from you.
I know you must have put up some WAIT paper.
Harry in Texas

Chic Silber said...

When did you get your start in

bill posting (& banner tacking)

Whitey & when did you quit

Ole Whitey said...

Chic: Glenn Jarmes gave me my first job on the Famous Cole in 1959. The show just about fell apart in midseason due to mismanagement and my boss Francis Kitzman managed to get me a job on the Cristiani advance where I billed as far west as Los Angeles. The following year I opened with Cristiani but moved over the Beatty Cole before they went into Canada. After that was on Carson and Barnes and Kelly Miller and back to Beatty Cole a few times. After I got married, Mary Jane and I were with the Tommy Hanneford show a couple of years. The last time I was out was in 1978 with Al Stencell on the prairies of western Canada.


I saw Al Stencell this past week at the I.I.S.A. Trade Show in Gibsonton. He was helping out in Ron Morris' booth.