Thursday, February 02, 2012

1964 Spanish Riding School Tour #5

1964%20Tour-5 by bucklesw1
1964%20Tour-5, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

In the Disney movie, Robert Taylor played Podhajsky. Here Podhajsky (who doubled for Robert Taylor in the film’s riding scenes) is shown recreating the special performance he staged for General Patton.


Eric said...

Here we have a situation where a real-life person has to double for the movie star who is portraying him on screen. Incidentally, I was once portrayed in a major, A-list movie. The next time you watch the Tom Hanks film APOLLO 13, look for the Navy band that appears at the end when the astronauts are being brought on board the recovery vessel USS IWO JIMA. Those musicians are impersonating the band I was in and which was there when the actual recovery took place.

Frank Ferrante said...

I'm SOOOOOOO confused. ~frank

Chic Silber said...

Do you mean by that Eric that you

were in both the actual band that

played at the recovery & also in

the band portrayed in the movie

Eric said...

No, I was just at the actual Apollo 13 Recovery. By the time the movie was made I was too old to play myself and had to be doubled.