Monday, February 13, 2012

1952 K-M Route Book

02-12-2012 01;11;49PM by bucklesw1
02-12-2012 01;11;49PM, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

"More Men Of Iron"


Buckles said...

Jimmy Keenan was Floyd King's brother in law.

Buckles said...

I might have that wrong, maybe I'm thinking of Jimmy Kernan.
"Big City" was Harold Schneider who previously had run the #2 concession stand in the Cole Show menagerie, I know I got that right!
My first employer.

Buckles said...

Keenan came from New England and had been a long time usher on the Ringling Show.
He said that in those days the ushers would stash folding chairs wherever they could in the event of an overflow crowd.
On such a day he was approached by a gentleman in search of a seat and Jimmy explained that nothing was available but several were always saved in the event Mrs. Edith Ringling might have guests.
"My daughter has never seen a circus and I'd pay $50 for two good seats."
A true Capitalist.
Mr. Concello's seat wagons put an end to that folly and Jimmy went to work on concessions.

Harry Kingston said...

Great stories on the extra seats.
As a fan I always wondered how they got away with adding more seats or a row of them as it would stick out in the track.
Surely a manager or a big shot could see that quick.
Don Smith, Mr CHS, told me a story that he spotted it on Ringling and a usher told him if you said anything they would work him over.
Harry in Texas