Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1937 Mann Expedition #7

Mann-7 by bucklesw1
Mann-7, a photo by bucklesw1 on Flickr.

Arriving in New York City, the Mann expedition unloaded a cargo of almost 900 specimens, and Hari appeared for the benefit of the newsreel cameramen. (It is interesting to note the different types of cameras that were in use back in 1937.) The hoofed stock was sent to the Department of Agriculture’s quarantine station at Athenia, New Jersey while the remaining animals were shipped by express train directly to Washington.



I wonder how the press would handle something like this nowdays?

Harry Kingston said...

As Eric stated on the different types of cameras used back then.
The small camera on the left in the guys hand is a 35mm Bell and howell silent camera.
The second large one is a 35mm optical sound camera and the small microphone to the left just what they used back then.
Now the third camera on the right is a 35mm Akeley hand cranked one.
This the the best news reel and wild life camera ever.
It was also called the pancake camera.
The Akeley had a 200 foot quick change film magazine that could be loaded in seconds.
35mm film at sound speed travels at 90 feet a minute.
Harry in Texas