Monday, January 02, 2012

From Chris Berry #2

This terrific litho was used for many seasons by the Cole Bros Circus and in 1938 a version was created for Adkins and Terrell's short-lived Robbins Bros. Circus. The artwork goes back further, with versions being used by Sells-Floto and Al G. Barnes. An even earlier version of the bill was produced by Strobridge for Ringling-Barnum in the 1920s. That poster has another line of elephants in the back of the poster. This litho was rehashed in the 1960s for Beatty-Cole, and in the 70s an updated version was used by Hoxie Bros.


Harry Kingston said...

It was Acme show print in Hugo that made the rehash posters for Beatty Cole.
And didn't Fred Pfening loan Acme the originals and Acme made the copies for Beatty Cole.
Harry in Texas

Chris Berry said...

During the mid-1960s Acme of Hugo reworked the artwork from quite a few posters from the 1930s for Beatty-Cole, Carson & Barnes, and others including Birnam Bros.
I asked Fred Pfening III about them last fall and he confirmed that his late father did provide the original posters (from Cole Bros, Ringling-Barnum, even Al G. Barnes) which were then produced for the various truck shows of the 60s.

Larry allen Dean said...

I see you mentioned Birnam Bros.
was that the same Birnam from Birnam, Dailey & Howe ?

Ole Whitey said...

John and Gracie Hoffman had Acme, which was originally in Hugo and I've been in that shop many times.

They later opened a bigger plant somewhere in Texas. They started out printing small heralds and tickets but went to posters in about 1965.

Gracie later worked with Beth Arnott on phones for Bill English.

LAD: I always confuse that show with the old Ketchum and Cheatham outfit. Boy, I hated to follow them in a town.

Bob K said...

Birnum Bros. was the last title used by Bill Griffith in the 60's, way (before you were born?). Bill was a former printing shop owner from Appleton, WI, who caught the bug and went thru 3 show titles.
He later owned a string of weekly papers in WI.
Bill was an alright guy.
Bob KItto

Larry allen Dean said...

for Bob K
in the 60s , before I was born ?
why thank you, but it would have to been the 1860s ! lol