To make good his escape, O’Malley creates a diversion by turning loose one of Clyde’s tigers. (According to some film authorities, A-list director William Wellman was brought in by John Wayne to direct the thrilling climax of RING OF FEAR.)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ring Of Fear Synopsis #26
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8/28/2011 06:52:00 AM
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Wild animal escapes (both accidental and by design) seem to have been an obligatory part of all circus films made back then. Such escapes occur in THE BIG CAGE, KING OF THE JUNGLE, FIXER DUGAN, CAGED FURY, and CIRCUS WORLD, to name a few. Even DeMille included a few escaped wild animals during the train wreck sequence of his film, but had the good sense to keep such scenes to a minimum since they did not directly advance the plot. A modern-day equivalent would be the escaped raptors in JURASSIC PARK.
Sean McClory, our "Dublin O'Malley", told me this: "Poor Jimmy Grant was directing and had no idea in the world what he was doing. He'd been around Wayne and Bob [Fellows], and had written scripts and part of this one, but behind the camera, the poor fella was lost. So Duke knew Wellman from way back, and brought him in, as a last-ditch effort to salvage the picture. When Wellman saw it, he knew he couldn't make it a great film, since they couldn't re-shoot anything, and he said so. But lord knows he tried. Jimmy stood aside, and Willy finished the shoot and did all the cutting together as best he could."
It wasn't until I was watching the DVD that I realized that this film was produced by BATJAC, Wayne's production company. ~frank
Eric - Let's not forget the lion 'escape' with Victor Mature & Gilbert Roland in "The Big Circus" And that ferocious escape by Mr. Stubbs, the chimp from "Toby Tyler"
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