Sunday, August 28, 2011


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dpowhitetiger said...

KINKO: Yes or NO?

Roger Smith said...

No. Glen Sunbury's especially distinctive makeup was not whiteface.

JACKIE said...

That is a tough one. I worked with Kinko on the Aut Swenson Thrill Shows, and in Russia and Europe and I have never seen him in white, even in an old circus photo of the Campbell Bros. Circus in 1913. If it is him, it is a very young him. Kinko was Albino and had thoes strang almost cross eyed eyes. The props do not look like his either. One never knows dealing with clowns, he could have gotten a date where they wanted a white face and that's Show Business. But over all, I do not think it is him. Jackie LeClaire

Ole Whitey said...

I had thought it was Kinko mainly from the setting, which is Beatty's Jungle Zoo in Ft Lauderdale, where he did work.

Kinko did not always work in the same makeup and I am sending Buckles a pic of him in a very similar makeup and pose to this while on the Barnes show in 1926.

tanglfoot said...

The top hat would sure be a tip off that its Kinko. I would assume that every day at Beattys place he might just slap on some whiteface and let it go at that. He was quite a guy and always was booked. He wasn't just a clown ,but did a complete act and worked solo on some pretty big shows with the car, great contortion.I believe he got pretty good scratch. sURE LOVED TO PLAY CARDS IN THE DRESSING ROOM. hE HAD TO HOLD THEM UP TO AN inch from his face and his head always had that small shake. I recall he always liked to go in the "clown band" if a show had one. Great show guy. one in a million.tanglefoot

J C Hall said...

To Jackie
What year would you and Kinko have been in The USSR.If it was on RBBB, would it have been around mid 50's ?