Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Gold Costume (rear)

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Chic Silber said...

Looks damn good on the exit too

That must be Anna May but which

leopard is that

Frank Ferrante said...

Loved the blanket, the Elephant Empress wasn't bad either! ~frank

Little John said...

On the picket line we ride goofs would say "you go by Hugo, no you go by Hugo." Mudo, Rebecca, and George were in Gary's charge but Hugo was next to George and often was there when we finished with our expected duties. To some talented up and coming elephant men this would be an opportunity, but for me - not so much.

GaryHill said...

Little John you forgot about Vance on the ride too. Hugo was tough, if ya didnt get around him..Chic, Hugo carried the Howdah with the Nervana I am sure?

Chic Silber said...

Clearly I assumed wrong Gary

All them bull asses look pretty

much the same to me however

It was the hottie in gold that

had my attention

Little John said...

Now I remember Vance but my ride adventure are mostly: Mudo, she stays with me because her name fit her well – the right shoulder of our Kakis would be wet with snot that she’d flip over her head. Rebecca – because she was just a sweetheart, and George – he tossed me accurately behind his back through the top triangle of the struts that were attached to the beams of our shade area. I landed at the bottom of the hill before I knew what hit me. George and I both waited for the outcome of this situation for a long week or two. The suggestions from my fellow goofs were extreme, like some medieval battle, I slept little at night in anticipation. But one day George was tearing up the turf at the end of his chain. I backed him up with the help of a glorious Bong that his ever growing forehead produced from my heavy steel shovel. I head rode George after that and he’d pick up my stick and give it to me. This was only a few days before you folks left for the Big Show. Scoring that life’s little hurtled has help me in many ways. Thank you.

Chic Silber said...

Great story Little John but I sure

hope Mouseschwitz doesn't let the

PETA gestapo in the gate to come

looking for you with a camera

Vance by the way was the name of

Dick Brown's lead driver & the

head of the Venice security team

Larry Louree said...

I remember George. He reminded me of an eight year old boy, always trying to get away with something he shouldn't be doing. John and Gary did a good job of keeping him in line, but I'm sure it took patience on their part as well as plotting to impart the proper "instruction" on their charges.

Mudo was a real lady. I really liked her. Once she figured out I had some cookies in my pocket and I was touched for a snack everytime I went over to the ride.

Do you guys remember that elephant called "baby" they bought in California when Axel was there? She was a pistol. I remember Axel had picked her up from the ride and had a quiet heart to heart talk with her about her behavior from the ride over to the barn late one afternoon. I was up at the main gate and could clearly hear Axel speaking with her in several languages (I understood the German and English, not sure about the rest). The guests were all looking around like "what the heck is that all about!). I think the root cause was Baby didn't know she was an elephant!