Monday, August 01, 2011

1905 John Robinson Route Book #3

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johnny said...

very nice. do you know who the trainer is. johnny

Buckles said...

This is the same man Tim Buckley.
The four young elephants on the tubs are "Tommy", "Tony", "Petite" (Pitt) and "Clara".
The last three, along with "Tillie", mentioned in the train wreck, are well remembered as the Robinson Military Elephants.

Dick Flint said...

This exact same photo was used in the 1901 route book and captioned "Side Pyramid," something I've not encountered before. Have others?

What a surprise to see Tim Buckley's portrait this morning as I was assembling some of the same photos this weekend to send to the blog! I've amended my contribution and just sent it in with different images and additional information.
Dick Flint