Monday, August 01, 2011

1905 John Robinson Route Book #2

(caption below)
"Prof. W.F. Willette reading the palm of an elephant for college students at Oxford, Miss., Dec. 6, '05."
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Buckles said...

They sure had a long season.

Richard Reynolds said...

What was the name of the tusker? Any bio on him?. I have seen other photos of him.

He was a short male with incredibly long tusks, made more dramatic because of his lack of height.

Buckles said...


1900-09 John Robinson Circus
1910 Traded to Wm. P. Hall for some baggage horses.
1911 Monroe Bros. Circus (Albert Cauble)
1912 Sanger Bros. (Mugivan & Bowers)
1913 Great Robinson (Mugivan & Bowers)
1914 Famous Robinson (Mugivan & Bowers)
1915-19 Atterbury Bros.
(Died in 1919 of blood poisoning)

Ole Whitey said...

Of course this Sanger Bros/Great Robinson/Famous Robinson were all the same show, which was actually the old Dode Fisk show, and to complicate things even more it is the same outfit they called John Robinson once they owned that title.

Years ago, I knew two people who had been on Famous Robinson, also sometimes called Robinson's Famous.

One of them, billposter Fred Curry, stayed for several years after the John Robinson title was
used and recalled when a very young Clyde Beatty was there working the polar bear act.