Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Pee-Roo! #8

Scan10094, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

LIZZIE (Wallace Liz) 1900 Imported by Walter L. Main 1901-04 Walter L. Main Circus 1005-12 Campbell Bros. Circus 1913-14 William P. Hall Animal Farm 1915 Barton & Bailey Cirus (Leased from Hall) 1916 Wheeler Bros. Circus 1917-18 R.T. Richards Circus 1019 William P. Hall Animal Farm 1920-21 Howes Great London (Corporation) 1922 Gollmar Bros. Circus 1923-24 John Robinson Circus 1925-38 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus 1939 Baldwin Park Quarters 1939-41 Ringling-Barnum Circus (Died 11/5/41 from Atlanta, Ga. poisoning)


Buckles said...

I went to great pains to enter "Lizzie's" history in a column as usual but after returning for a correction it came back looking like this.

At first I was annoyed but as a wise man once told me,"I just look at the pictures, I don't read the rest of that crap!"

Larry Louree said...

but some of the "crap" helps us learn and understand the context

thanks for the bio