Friday, April 01, 2011

Christy Bros. Circus #11

Scan13405, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

There's a chance that this might be Christy's second show, Lee Bros. It's the tableau with a lineage going back to the George F. Bailey show of the 1860s, one of two bandwagons; later the Orchestmelochor on the Barnum show; converted into a tableau in the 1890s; and sold off in favor of fancier parade vehicles. The Lee stuff went to Ken Maynard in 1936 and then to Disney, and that was the path of this vehicle.

Harry Kingston said...

What wagons did Christy buy from surplus Ringling stock besides the Swan???
The Tom Tucker wagons were built at the gates handle factory right here in Beaumont, Texas.
Mom and Dad told me stories that they went to the fair grounds to see the animals housed there.
Everet James also lived here and was Harry James dad.
Harry in Beaumont, Texas

Anonymous said...

Dick Conover covered the sale of the Swan and a couple Barnum & London tableau cages to Christy in his book about the Fielding bandchariots. Fred Pfening Jr.'s series on Christy Bros. in Bandwagon some time back included an analysis of Christy's big purchase of wagons from Bridgeport. The buy included America, Asia, Columbia and many others, some of which would not otherwise exist today. Pfening's article about the Maynard Wild West covers the RBBB stuff that went via Christy to that outfit.

What can you offer about the Christy show wintering in the Gates Handle factory?