Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1950's Elephants #10

04-25-2011 12;02;16PM, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

These last two photos are marked "Polack Bros. 1959".
The year is right but this was taken the third year this act was under Jungleland ownership at 1,000 Oaks, Calif.
Jo and Slivers Madison were included in the deal with Slivers eventually becoming manager.
Does anyone out in Blogland know the name of the trick being peformed? And the accompanying music?


Bud said...

the elephant in the back should be standing on two tubs & the two elephants in the foregroung have just crawled forward UNDER the rear elephant .

the trick ;
Under the Bridge or London Bridge?

the music ;

Very Nice Action Photo -

Anonymous said...

Is this a test to see if we've been paying attention for the last 10 yrs???

Buckles said...

Bud...I'm Shocked!....Shocked!
The band always plays "London Bridges Falling Down!"