Saturday, March 26, 2011

From John Goodall

52859, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Asian elephant Chai, 32 years old, was artificially inseminated over the weekend at Woodland Park Zoo. Dr. Dennis Schmitt (standing, in maroon shirt), a leading expert in elephant reproductive physiology, joined the zoo's elephant management and animal health staff in directing the assisted reproduction technique.


Buckles said...

I caught this act being done at the National Zoo years ago.
As best I can remember, we were showing in Reston, Va. with Big Apple and Army Maguire, who was working there, took me on a back stage tour.
No idea if it resulted in anything.

Jim A. said...

Dr. Schmitt's maroon shirt might be some apparel from Missouri State U., formally Southwest MO State, in Springfield. (School colors are maroon and white.) He's on the faculty there. I believe he did some of his early elephant work at Springfield's Dickerson Park Zoo. They had one of the early elephant breeding programs in the US, in part thanks to Murray Hill's Onyx.

Ryan Easley said...

With Dr. Schmitt and Onyx, Dickerson Park Zoo conceived the first successful elephant birth via artificial insemination in 1999.