Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Parker #10

Parker-10, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

One of Adele’s last major public appearances was in a Ringling-Barnum performance in Ohio in the early 1960s. (She probably rode in the Spec.) She passed away in 1966. It is said that she rode the day she died. That night she bathed a duck, which was to appear on the Mike Douglas show the following day. In the early morning hours, she suffered a heart attack and died. Her funeral was a well attended event; and out in parking lot could be seen everything from jalopies and farm trucks to Cadillacs, It has been a number of years since I last drove by the Parker Ranch, and I have no idea if it is still there or if it has been turned into a housing development. The location is marked with an historical plaque, erected by the state.