Friday, October 22, 2010

To Chic

MAIL0477, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Up to and including 1950 the Ringling-Barnum Show's big top
and menagerie both had two rows of quarter poles.


Chic Silber said...

Thanks Buckles

When I enlarged that other photo

I could see the inside quarters

on the 6 pole top that didn't

seem to be there at 1st glance

So an apology to Harry is due

Richard Reynolds said...

This is 1936.

Note on the left the keepers with the young African elephant, one of three that were new to the show that year. Two (Congo and Puqua were genuine forest elephants, now determined to be a separate species). The third Sudan was of the common bush or plains species. All were billed as “Pygmys.” Howard Bary got them at the elephant training station at Gangala na Bodio in the eastern Congo near Sudan. Originally there were five but two died on the voyage over.

In the front row two of the keepers have an orangutan.

Note also the signage for Col. Tim McCoy who was featured that year in the wild west aftershow.

Hal Guyon said...

I see that there are cage wagon`s down the center and right side. With the bull`s on the left where is the lead stock, camel`s, zebra`s, etc are they at the end of the tent where the photographer is ? We really enjoyed our visit with you last weekend.

Wade G. Burck said...

You the man!!! What a valuable resource to captive animal history you are. I hadn't noted that on first glance. Thank you.
Wade Burck

Frank Ferrante said...

Amazing the number of elephants and wagons that were on the show at that time. One other animal in the picture is the dog laying on the ground in front of the fourth person from the right. ~frank

Anonymous said...

Would the dog be Negus?
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't check when the photo was taken, When you said 1950I thought immediately of Negus, who was the menagerie men's dog around that time.
Bob Kitto