Friday, October 22, 2010

King Bros HIPPO & LION (1964)

King Bros HIPPO & LION (1964), originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From Chris Berry

The Independence Day festivities started a couple of days early for the folks in Randolph Vermont in July of 1964 as the King Bros Circus rolled into town that summer...(Incidentally, while King Bros was touring New England at that time, the folks at the Circus World Museum were getting ready for the very first Schlitz "Old Milwaukee Days" circus parade which took place July 4, 1964..., just two days after King Bros played this date).


Fred Pfening III said...

Much as I don't want to contradict brother Berry, the first Milwaukee parade was in 1963. W. H. Woodcock, Sr. was playing a date near Milwaukee at the time and visited the parade grounds, such as they were. He jokingly wrote friends that he was day dating the parade and hoped Chappie Fox wouldn't throw tacks under the elephant semi's tires. That parade was the first time I met Tom Parkinson and the last time I saw John M. Kelly who rode in the owner's carriage. That first parade was nothing compared to later ones, but it seemed fabulous at the time.

Chris Berry said...

Thanks for the clarification Fred. Incidentally I will even contradict MYSELF on this posting. After posting I got to thinking that these posters could have been from 1959 instead of 1964. A check and quick response from the Ted Bowman Circus Route archives confirms that King Bros was in Randolph Vermont on July 2, 1959 - not 1964 as I originally surmised. Thanks again Fred (and John..)