Friday, October 22, 2010

From Robert Perry

Buckles same location but diffrerent angle as you can see we had caravans on the other side as well people would not believe it but my Brother made this tent while we were showing no shed but on the lot we were showing at at that time

Buckles what are the Regulations like in the
USA for traveling a mud show? here it is getting

out of hand here in some states you have to have a Flood plan can you believe that in the driest country just about in the world i guess it wont be long before you have to put life jackets under the seats

Robert Perry
PS an un-attractive short man standing on a thick wallet is very Handsome


Chic Silber said...

Very nice aerial view Robert

were these shots taken from

the show owned heli

"G'DAY FROM WA" was the theme

of the pavilion at the 88 fair

Anonymous said...

HI Chic
Next time you are in Australia
let us know when were you here last.
Hired Heli chic
we have not got to the Donald
Trump height we were in WA in 86
how long were you in Aussie For
Robert Perry

Chic Silber said...

A total of 7 visits Robert the 1st

being for Michael Edgely in 78 for

the stage show "Dracula" which I

had designed the effects for on

Broadway then again in 80 with

the tour of the Monte Carlo show

that I had designed for Feld but

presented also by Michael Edgely

My 1st holiday there with my wife

was in 88 starting at the world's

fair in Brisbane & visiting four

other cities & Heron Island over

a 3 week stay absolutely terrific

I was sorry that I only got a

glance from a train window as we

were leaving Canberra of Silver's

big yellow & white top in 99 but

had no chance to see the show

My last trip was about 2 years

ago when we opened "Wicked in

Melbourne (was just ribbing you

about the heli) not sure when

we'll get back but I'll give you

fair warning (thanks)

Anonymous said...

Gee chic (Mate) your more Aussie than me.
Robert Perry