Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hamid in the Midwest #1 (From Jimmy Hall)

DSC06602, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Photos are of a double date for Hamid in Des Moines, Iowa in May while Springfield, MA was going on. Slim pickins on my part for photos. Was playing with knobs that best be left alone on this fool proof camera I have.They had good crowds and a good show. Tina Beans had a nice piece of furniture hanging in the air for her traps.



Chic Silber said...

Wonder if the inflatable in the

corner will become known as the

"Slater Slide" for the JetBlue

flight attendant

Anonymous said...

Who did the two wheels ? And JC, never mind the "knobs", another nice set of photos.
Paul G.

J C Hall said...

Paul G.
Wheels, Justin Chodkowski and one of The Tunisiani's