Saturday, August 14, 2010

From Tim Tegge #4

Elephants - No ID 1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Finally, one more (for now) of a couple bulls in the ring, with a gal in tails and top hat (the wardrobe seems to be in better shape than the show equipment by the looks of this one). Histories mysteries!


I am searching for a good photo of a bill poster slapping up paper to a barn, fence, etc. and/or hanging stuff in windows between 1950 - 1963-ish. RBBB would be OK, but would prefer something from one of the smaller shows, like Kelly-Miller, Clyde Beatty, Hunt Bros, Famous Cole, and so on. Color or B&W, doesn't matter. If anyone out there has such a beast, please let me know. Cannot reveal exactly what I need it for quite yet, but will be less mysterious as time progresses. Thanks!

Tim Tegge


Buckles said...

Levi's on the artists?