Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Lane Talburt #2

When Bill Witter occasionally subbed for Harold Ronk during the
1978 tour, he appeared in traditional garb but on other days it was
back to being "Billy the Clown"

Bill Witter was a 1976 alumnus of Clown College and was assigned to the Ringling Blue outfit for the 1977 tour. In addition to honing his joey role as Billy the Clown, Witter also served as an understudy for Ringmaster Harold Ronk. When Ronk developed laryngitis on the opening night at Los Angeles, Performance Director Charly Baumann called on Witter, who was already on the track for the audience warmup, to substitute as the whistle-blower. Witter didn't have time to change into ringmaster wardrobe and announced all acts that night in his white-face clown make-up. Ronk decided to retire at the end of the season, so Witter continued as a singing clown ringmaster--perhaps the first and only in Ringling history--for the 1977 Blue tour. Ronk returned to action in 1978, and Witter occasionally subbed--but this time in the traditional ringmaster garb.
Lane Talburt


David Carlyon said...

I believe Bill was a '75 graduate of Clown College, maybe earlier. Dave Carlyon, Clown College, 1976.

Lane Taburt said...

You're absolutely correct, David. I got my dates jumbled.

Anonymous said...

Where is this young man today? Still clowning or singing/announcing?
BG - Dallas