Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cole Bros. Clown Band 1947

Scan13089, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I can remember most of these guys. At left, Eddie Dullem and Horace Laird. At right, Flo, Billie Burke, Billy Griffin, Baghongi and Lee Virtue.
And kneeling in front is the exotic Mlle. Zorima whose dancing skills were such that with one bump she could actually send Maestro Griebling's hat sailing from a distance of twenty paces.


Buckles said...

Ernie Burch joined in mid-season from the Dailey Show I think.
During the last clown walk around he did fan dance wearing a tight gown with big boobs.
It got a lot of laughs but when he reached the back end where the black people were seated he would give it a little extra and it was as tho Alabama had just scored a touchdown.
I was talking to him one day in the back yard and he said, "Kid can you keep a secret?" and he showed me a contract signed by Pat Valdo.
I always thought the Ringling Show was above stealing acts.