Saturday, August 21, 2010

1957 RBBB Train #1 (From Dominic Yodice)

1957 - 1 Train, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,
Since there were a few questions about 1957 and the menagerie/sideshow in the old Garden, I have scanned 6 photos. Unfortunately I don't have any showing the sideshow for 1957.
They show the loading of the menagerie and floats, etc. that Ringling took to New York and Boston. After the indoor date most of the cages were sent back to Sarasota. Some very large floats were either returned to WQ's or cut down and placed on small undercarriages so that they would fit on the semi trailers.
The menagerie that was taken to the Garden consisted of 9 of the ammo cages, # 97 gorillas, giraffe wagons # 83 & 86, hippo cage # 85 and rhino cage # 82.
Also included were performing bears in # 93 and performing tigers in # 92.


Anonymous said...

Bill Elbirn's articles in early 1960s Bandwagon issues provide some additional insight on the vehicles that were taken north and then staged from the New Jersey zoo to the Garden. Some of the vehicles are now in preservation.

J G said...

Are the larger two wagons side show banner line wagons

Anonymous said...

The first wagon is #82 which carried the rhino. The other large wagon is cage #85 which carried the hippo.
From what I was told, wagon #10(old menagerie supply)carried the sideshow stages to NY.

Anonymous said...

A list of the wagons and their contents sent north for the indoor dates in 1956 can be found in "White Tops," March-April 1980, page 17.