Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1948 RBBB (Set 3) #3

48 RBBB 3-3fix, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This and the next photo are two good examples of how the TRU-VUE photographer unwittingly documented for posterity some often-overlooked bits of behind-the-scenes circus history.


Unknown said...

I don't know about the elephant mans shirt - what about the waiters & servers aprons!

Fred Neill

Buckles said...

This isn't bad.
I was once on a show where a large metal tub was used communally.
First to wash the cook house dishes, then to water the elephant and slew-foot camel, then over to the concession dept. where the butchers used it as a shaving basin and finally to cook the candy apple syrup.
Only candy apples I ever saw with whiskers.

Anonymous said...

The first waiter is for the staff and performer end and the next one is for the working men.
Bob Kitto

Roger Smith said...

We can't be too hard on these guys. They just got rousted out of the missions, and haven't had their first Mickey.

J C Hall said...

On the greater Sells Bros Circus in the 60's on Little Bob Stevens show,
this dude in his late teens was the assistant to the cook and when the cook blew he was promoted to head chef. The show had a 54 ford station-wagon and a 16F single axle flat bed trailer that he drove. That was the cook house along with a 12/16 foot Coca-Cola top. This guy would put the dishes in a large wash tub with soap and water at night and upon arriving on the lot the next morning he took them out one at a time and rinsed as needed. The road trip did the washing. The food he cooked was eatable.The thing that he would do that bugged me was, he would put on these knee high rubber boots and dip the soapy water out of the dish tub and fill them up put them on and then proceed to set up the cook top. That was the way he washed his feet.

Anonymous said...

Charles Hanson said..... Surely someone must have some "Napoleon Reed" stories....Cookhouse....King Bros Circus/Floyd King Era.