Friday, August 20, 2010

1948 RBBB (Set 2) #14

48 RBBB 2-14, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

A partial view of the Music Box float from the 1948 spec “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”


Richard Reynolds said...

I recall that 1948 spec. There was a large red wagon with faux wrapping like a Christsmas present. It went into the center ring and then unfolded, but I cannot remember what came out of it.

That year pygmy hippo Betty Lou did a walk around in the spec. For that she stayed in the backyard instead of the menagerie. She was in cage wagon no. 92 (was a sea lion cage in 1946-47). Later it was renumbered as 87 and was used again for sea lions in 1954 and then in the menagerie in 1955-56.

Giraffe Edith also did a walk around in the ’48 spec but not in Atlanta when I caught the show.