Saturday, July 17, 2010

From Dave Price

Buckles37, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Speaking of clowns' faces... this is from the 1938 George Brinton Beal book Through the Back Door of the Circus. I do not recognize the name Billy De Baugh and have wondered if the pic is of Lou Jacobs.


Chic Silber said...

I believe Lou's eyebrows were

always round arched but maybe

Dolly will confirm who this is

Frank Ferrante said...

For a profession that insists that each clown's face is his own, Papa Lou's has been copied all over the world. I can't tell if this is him or not. ~frank

jerry digney said...

i think this is Lou in an early incarnation as he tweaked the details of his character and wigs over the years (of course the conehead wig that he made himself i think became his ultimate trademark)

Chic Silber said...

Hi Jerry take a look scrolling

down to Lou #1 which appears to

be a fairly early version and

the rounded arches are evident

Frank Ferrante said...

I'm looking at the Coplan poster from the 40's and his brows are arched and the black does not cover the top lip. For what it's worth. ~frank

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Dan DeBaugh a RBBB agent, maybe in Chicago involved with the making of that film of the GSOE circa 1928-1932?

Frank Ferrante said...

Any Mous -

DeMille's GSOE was 1952. ~frank

Jackie LeClaire said...

I copied the photo and sent it to his daughter, Dolly, and this is the paste of the answer I received.

"Hi Jackie,

That is DEFINITELY Pappa.

Somebody is wrong.



Jackie LeClaire

Frank Ferrante said...

Thanks Jackie -

THAT settles THAT! Hope everyone had a GREAT Monday! ~frank